
Updates from Lake Victoria Vanilla

Model for a day

Model for a day

Today Børsen sent their photographer, Sofia Busk to take pictures for the article. The article will publish about the farm on October 18 and I am looking forward to telling the readers about the farm. Vanilla is not photogenic, but we did try to include it in some of...

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See my new web page

See my new web page

It is not just Lake Victoria Vanilla that has got a new look. Mette Ravn Vanilje and its webshop has also had a make-over. New features are being added and shortly, it will be possible to receive a specially selected vanilla on subscription, as well as a newsletter....

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Retrospective thoughts

Retrospective thoughts

It was my first visit to Tanzania and it was a good experience. Dar was nice and we had a good meeting with our lawyers at IMMMA and they have performed much better than I have expected. We also visited the Danish Embassy in Dar. One of my concerns has been...

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Visiting a small lot holder

Visiting a small lot holder

In Bukoba we visited a small lot vanilla farmer. The purpose was to learn how the locals cultivated the vanilla. The vanilla plants grew at Jatropha plants under a roof of banana plants. The flowers were pollinated by hand with a needle and several plants had green...

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Jackson – our man on the ground

Jackson – our man on the ground

When I was in Bukoba in July, I had asked my good friend Josephat if he could help me find someone that could translate and help me with getting credit on my phone and other really small and simple tasks. I had not one second imagined that the young man that I was...

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The Danish online magazine Food Supply has written an article about our Farm. You can read it here (it is in Danish - google translate is your friend):

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Another Mette on the team

Another Mette on the team

Working in a different country has its challenges. Working on a different continent, has even more. We are therefore really happy to welcome Mette Brix Voetmann to our Board, where she is strengthening our local knowledge and network. Mette is the former team leader...

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Getting investors on board

Getting investors on board

Since day one it has been clear that the vanilla farm would not be a one-woman show. Not only do I not have the necessary financial pull, but I know that I need partners with other competences and ways of thinking than myself.  Before approaching potential investors I...

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A Vanilla Farm in Africa

A Vanilla Farm in Africa

First it was a crazy idea, then it became a dream, and now I am going to make it happen: My African vanilla farm. It has been a bumpy ride this far, but I think that I have now found the right path. I don't fool myself into believeing that it will be easy or that I...

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Contact Lake Victoria Vanilla


New Vanilla ApS
Horserødvej 17
2100 København Ø


+45 4128 1002 (Denmark) or 
+255 067 398 1398 (Tanzania)