MEET US: Lily – a woman in charge
MEET US: Lily – a woman in charge

Lily explains how as a woman it can be difficult to find a job like hers in Tanzania, as high-profile positions often go to men. At Lake Victoria Vanilla she has been given an opportunity to use her qualifications, education and skills that would have been difficult to utilise elsewhere. “I love to share my ideas and see my work being implemented,” she says. Her job gives her the opportunity to have a say in how the work process is laid out and then see the effects of her inputs. It gives a sense of being involved and engaged in the company. In Tanzanian culture, men and women are not always viewed as equals in the workplace. Lily explains that at Lake Victoria Vanilla, there is a close relationship across ranks, genders and religions. This is a good thing, she says, because everyone contributes from different backgrounds, and everyone has the same understanding of the workplace and can easily find common ground. “It’s some good kind of people. They know what to do,” she says with love.